time of birth: 20:21 Uhr
birth weight: 323g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 20:30 Uhr
birth weight: 304g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 20:38 Uhr
birth weight: 288g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 20:43 Uhr
birth weight: 290g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 21:00 Uhr
birth weight: 270g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 21:26 Uhr
birth weight: 238g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 22:26 Uhr
birth weight: 350g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 22:35 Uhr
birth weight: 286g
colour: tricolor
time of birth: 23:21 Uhr
birth weight: 280g
colour: tricolor